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Autoscaling CI

Thank You!

As with the restart from failure functionality, a lot of credit goes to @matt-winkler for developing this feature.



This library offers a convenient interface to create, what we call, an autoscaling CI job. As of the time of this writing (11/5/22), dbt Cloud does not allow a job to have concurrent runs. This largely makes sense in the context of regularly scheduled jobs - you would never want your daily job to be run in a concurrent fashion. However, this feature starts to become a limitation in the context of continuous integration (CI) jobs. Take the following scenarios:

  • Adding a commit to an existing pull request that already has a job running
  • Opening a separate pull request in the same repo that already has a running CI job

In both of these instances, we'll have to wait until the existing job has completed before that same CI job can move from a queued state.

How it Works

In the event your CI job is already running, this package, through the trigger_autoscaling_ci_job method, will do the following:

  • If a new commit is created for the pull request linked to the existing run for the referenced job, cancel the run and trigger again.
  • If this is an entirely new pull request, clone the job definition and trigger the clone. It's important to note that the cloned job will be deleted by default after the run (you can change this through an argument to the function). Deleting the cloned job will also force the execution into a polling state (e.g. the function won't return a Run until it has encountered a completed state).
  • This will also check to see if your account has met or exceeded the allotted run slots. In the event you have, a cloned job will not be created and the existing job will be triggered.


dbt Cloud

Normally, when you configure a dbt Cloud CI job, you'll do the following:

  • Defer to another job
  • Include a command with a state:modified+ selector
  • And, trigger it via pull request

To use this functionality, you want to follow all of the steps above EXCEPT the trigger piece. The action that you setup in your repo will take care of triggering the dbt Cloud job, so if you also check that checkbox, you'll be triggering this job in two different places.


In order to mimic the native Slim CI behavior within dbt Cloud, it's important to pass the appropriate payload. The payload should consist of the following (this is in the context of running against a github repository but it will be very similar across Gitlab and ADO).

  • cause - Put whatever you want here - this is a required field
  • schema_override - "dbt_cloud_pr_"$JOB_ID"_"$PULL_REQUEST_ID
  • git_sha - ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
  • Depending on your git provider, one of github_pull_request_id, gitlab_merge_request_id, or azure_pull_request_id (in the GH action example, set to ${{ github.event.number }})

This method is best suited to be used within a Github Action, Gitlab CI Pipeline, or an Azure Pipeline. The example below shows how you can use it within a Github Action.


from dbtc import dbtCloudClient

# Assumes I have DBT_CLOUD_SERVICE_TOKEN as an environment variable
client = dbtCloudClient()

account_id = 1
job_id = 1
payload = {
    'cause': 'Autoscaling CI',
    'schema_override': 'dbt_cloud_pr_1_50',
    'github_pull_request_id': 50,
    'git_sha': 'jkafjdkfjallakjf'

run =, job_id, payload)

Assuming that DBT_CLOUD_SERVICE_TOKEN and DBT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID environment variable has been set.

dbtc trigger-autoscaling-ci-job \
    --job-id=$JOB_ID \
    --payload='{"cause": "Autoscaling Slim CI!","git_sha":"'"$GIT_SHA"'","schema_override":"'"$SO"'","github_pull_request_id":'"$PULL_REQUEST_ID"'}' \

Required: You'll need to create a secret in your repo called DBT_CLOUD_SERVICE_TOKEN. The token can be obtained from dbt Cloud

name: Autoscaling dbt Cloud CI
      - main
      - opened
      - reopened
      - synchronize
      - ready_for_review

    if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      JOB_ID: 73797
      PULL_REQUEST_ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
      GIT_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: "3.9.x"

      - name: Trigger Autoscaling CI Job
        run: |
          pip install dbtc==0.3.3
          run=$(dbtc trigger-autoscaling-ci-job \
            --job-id=$JOB_ID \
            --payload='{"cause": "Autoscaling Slim CI!","git_sha":"'"$GIT_SHA"'","schema_override":"'"$SO"'","github_pull_request_id":'"$PULL_REQUEST_ID"'}' \
    'status': {
        'code': 200,
        'is_success': True,
        'user_message': 'Success!',
        'developer_message': ''
    'data': {
        'id': 78614274,
        'trigger_id': 79329387,
        'account_id': 1,
        'environment_id': 1,
        'project_id': 1,
        'job_definition_id': 1,
        'status': 1,
        'dbt_version': '1.2.0-latest',
        'git_branch': None,
        'git_sha': None,
        'status_message': None,
        'owner_thread_id': None,
        'executed_by_thread_id': None,
        'deferring_run_id': None,
        'artifacts_saved': False,
        'artifact_s3_path': None,
        'has_docs_generated': False,
        'has_sources_generated': False,
        'notifications_sent': False,
        'blocked_by': [],
        'scribe_enabled': True,
        'created_at': '2022-08-31 02:18:57.855152+00:00',
        'updated_at': '2022-08-31 02:18:57.855169+00:00',
        'dequeued_at': None,
        'started_at': None,
        'finished_at': None,
        'last_checked_at': None,
        'last_heartbeat_at': None,
        'should_start_at': None,
        'trigger': {
            'id': 79329387,
            'cause': 'Just cause',
            'job_definition_id': 1,
            'git_branch': None,
            'git_sha': None,
            'azure_pull_request_id': None,
            'github_pull_request_id': None,
            'gitlab_merge_request_id': None,
            'schema_override': None,
            'dbt_version_override': None,
            'threads_override': None,
            'target_name_override': None,
            'generate_docs_override': None,
            'timeout_seconds_override': None,
            'steps_override': ['dbt run -s bad_model --vars \'{"key": "value"}\''],
            'created_at': '2022-08-31 02:18:57.846515+00:00',
            'cause_humanized': 'Just cause',
            'job': None
        'job': {
            'execution': {
                'timeout_seconds': 0
            'generate_docs': False,
            'run_generate_sources': False,
            'id': 1,
            'account_id': 1,
            'project_id': 1,
            'environment_id': 1,
            'name': 'Test 10 - Restart with Vars',
            'dbt_version': None,
            'created_at': '2022-08-29T14:02:57.378279Z',
            'updated_at': '2022-08-29T14:06:31.485879Z',
            'execute_steps': ['dbt run -s good_model bad_model --vars \'{"key": "value"}\''],
            'state': 1,
            'deactivated': False,
            'run_failure_count': 0,
            'deferring_job_definition_id': None,
            'lifecycle_webhooks': False,
            'lifecycle_webhooks_url': None,
            'triggers': {
                'github_webhook': False,
                'git_provider_webhook': False,
                'custom_branch_only': False,
                'schedule': False
            'settings': {
                'threads': 4,
                'target_name': 'default'
            'schedule': {
                'cron': '0 * * * 0,1,2,3,4,5,6',
                'date': 'days_of_week',
                'time': 'every_hour'
            'is_deferrable': False
        'environment': None,
        'run_steps': [],
        'status_humanized': 'Queued',
        'in_progress': True,
        'is_complete': False,
        'is_success': False,
        'is_error': False,
        'is_cancelled': False,
        'href': '',
        'duration': '00:00:00',
        'queued_duration': '00:00:00',
        'run_duration': '00:00:00',
        'duration_humanized': '0 minutes',
        'queued_duration_humanized': '0 minutes',
        'run_duration_humanized': '0 minutes',
        'created_at_humanized': '0 minutes ago',
        'finished_at_humanized': '0 minutes from now',
        'job_id': 1,
        'is_running': None