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The dbtCloudClient class is the main interface through which you will interact with dbt Cloud API endpoints. The class accepts three optional arguments:

  • api_key
  • service_token
  • host

An api_key can be used to access endpoints from any version of the dbt Cloud API (v2, v3, or v4). The service_token can be used for either the dbt Cloud API or the Metadata API. If you have the proper permissions, you would only need to pass a service token.

from dbtc import dbtCloudClient

client = dbtCloudClient(service_token='this-is-my-service-token')

Alternatively, you can set the following environment variables in place of passing the arguments to the class:

  • api_key --> DBT_CLOUD_API_KEY
  • service_token --> DBT_CLOUD_SERVICE_TOKEN
  • host --> DBT_CLOUD_HOST

If you have set environment variables, and have the proper permissions, you'll be able to instantiate the dbtCloudClient class as follows:

from dbtc import dbtCloudClient

client = dbtCloudClient()


The host argument is only necessary for customers on single-tenant instances


The dbtCloudClient class contains two properties:

  • cloud - instance of the _AdminClient class, which contains methods to create, read, update, and delete dbt Cloud resources
  • metadata - instance of the _MetadataClient class, which contains methods to retrieve metadata generated from a dbt Cloud job run


from dbtc import dbtCloudClient

# Assuming we've set the `DBT_CLOUD_SERVICET_TOKEN` environment variable`
client = dbtCloudClient()

accounts =


from dbtc import dbtCloudClient

client = dbtCloudClient()

job_id = <xxx>
run_id = <xxx>
models = client.metadata.get_models(job_id, run_id)


This package also comes with a command-line utility, dbtc. All of the methods available through the cloud or metadata properties on the dbtCloudClient class are available through the command line as well.

The command line interface also accepts additional environment variables:


Setting these will reduce the amount of arguments you'll need to pass.

dbtc get-project --account-id=1 --project-id=1

Or, if you've set the DBT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID and DBT_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID environment variables.

dbtc get-project