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  • The list_environments method and CLI invocations



  • Versioning issue



  • New command line groups (e.g. instead of dbtc list-accounts, you would use dbtc accounts list). Older methods are still around but will be deprecated in future versions.
  • New discovery API convenience methods to retrieve performance, recommendations, and other information

[0.10.0] - 2024-02-08


  • Semantic layer client. This can be accessed with the sl property on the dbtCloudClient class (e.g.

[0.9.0] - 2024-01-11


  • All of the methods in the _MetadataClient except for query. The Discovery API no longer allows a user to specify every single field recursively, which is what the sgqlc package would do.


  • An optional keyword argument use_beta_endpoint to the dbtCloudClient class. This will default to True, which means that the Discovery API will use the beta endpoint at https://metadata./beta/graphql instead of https://metadata./graphql. This contains both the stable API resources (environment, models, tests, etc.) but also contains things for performance, recommendations, and lineage.
  • Ability to automatically paginate requests for the Discovery API. If pagination is required/desired, ensure that your query is properly created with an $after variable and all of the fields within the pageInfo field.


  • Loosen restrictions on Pydantic - ">=2.0,<3.0"

[0.8.0] - 2023-12-04


  • retries argument to the trigger_job method. This will allow you to retry a job retries amount of times until completion, which is defined as success or cancelled.


  • trigger_job_from_failure method to point at the new rerun endpoint. Logic is no longer necessary internally.

[0.7.0] - 2023-12-04


  • output flag can now be used to pipe output into files instead of stdout


  • The -o flag is no longer used for order-by when using that argument via the CLI; it is now used as an alternative for output (--output or -o)

[0.6.0] - 2023-09-02


  • Typer version to 0.9.0

[0.5.3] - 2023-08-09

  • Remove read-only field job_type from job payload before cloning job

[0.5.2] - 2023-07-30


  • Method used in the update_environment_variables method call from POST to PUT

[0.5.1] - 2023-07-30


  • Methods to update and list environment variables

[0.5.0] - 2023-07-28


  • trigger_job_from_failure method encountering an IndexError when called for the first run of the job
  • assign_user_to_group method now accepts a project_id argument
  • delete_user_group method now accepts a payload argument

[0.4.2] - 2023-04-03


  • How the base URL was constructed as it was not properly accounting for other regions, single tenant instances properly

[0.4.1] - 2023-04-02


  • Most recent updates for the Metadata API schema

[0.4.0] - 2023-03-18


  • List, test, create, get, update, and delete methods for webhooks
  • Support for pydantic models used for validation logic when creating Webhooks - eventually will add support for other create methods
  • Decorator that sets a private property on the _Client class, _called_from, that helps understand when methods are called from another method.


  • list_users is now using a v3 endpoint


  • All v4 methods were removed as dbt Cloud will begin to deprecate their use soon

[0.3.7] - 2023-03-04


  • A max_run_slots keyword argument to the trigger_autoscaling_ci_job method. This will allow a user to limit the amount of run slots that can be occupied by CI jobs. The default value will be None, which will ensure that the normal behavior of this method remains intact (e.g. it will clone the CI job until the number of run slots configured for the account is reached).

[0.3.6] - 2023-02-28


  • An additional read-only field from a job definition needed to be removed prior to creating the cloned job. 500 errors were occuring because of this.

[0.3.5] - 2023-02-22


  • version argument to the CLI. Invoke with dbtc --version.
  • Ability to track what methods are being used. Important to note that you can opt out of this by passing do_not_track=True to the dbtCloudClient class. Additionally, nothing identifiable, like IDs, will be tracked - simply a way to understand what methods of the package are being used.


  • Bad type argument for poll_interval in the CLI method for trigger-job-from-failure

[0.3.4] - 2023-01-27


  • Additional keyword arguments to filter the list_projects endpoint by - project_id, state, offset, and limit. The offset will be useful if an account has greater than 100 (the max projects that can be returned) projects.
  • Additional keyword arguments to filter the list_jobs endpoint by - environment_id, state, offset, and limit. Important to note that the project_id can either be a single project_id integer or a list of project_ids
  • Convenience methods to return the most recent run, get_most_recent_run, and the recent run artifact, get_most_recent_run_artifact.
  • Additional keyword arguments to filter the list_environments endpoint by - dbt_version, name, type, state, offset, and limit. Important to note that the project_id can either be a single project_id integer or a list of project_ids.
  • fields argument to the methods on the metadata property. This allows you to limit the data returned from the Metadata API while still not having to write any GraphQL!
  • query method on the metadata property. This allows you to write a GraphQL query and supply variables


  • A bug in get_project_by_name
  • A bug in the CLI related to any methods that accept the include_related argument. This is now valid syntax '["debug_logs", "run_steps"]'.

[0.3.3] - 2022-11-14


  • Autoscaling CI jobs were being improperly cloned when adding a commit to the same PR.

[0.3.2] - 2022-11-08


  • Finding in progress PR runs using the PR ID within the payload

[0.3.1] - 2022-11-07


  • In progress runs weren't properly being cancelled within the trigger_autoscaling_ci_job method. In addiiton to checking if the job has an in progress run, this method will now also check if there is a run in a "running" state for the PR ID given in the payload. This will ensure that a single PR can only have one run occuring at a given time (this wasn't the case in 0.3.0).

[0.3.0] - 2022-11-05


  • trigger_autoscaling_ci_job method to the cloud property of the dbtCloudClient class.


  • The restart from failure functionality has now been moved to it's own separate method, trigger_job_from_failure. You'll still be able to trigger a job using the trigger_job method.

[0.2.4] - 2022-10-17


  • Non json artifacts are now able to be retrieved from get_run_artifact

[0.2.3] - 2022-09-16


  • Bad url configuration for create_job method

[0.2.2] - 2022-09-15


  • Global CLI args --warn-error and --use-experimental-parser were not being considered. If they were present in the command, the modified command would have been invalid. These are now included within the modified_command if present in the initial step's command.


  • --full-refresh flag is now being pulled in the modified_command if present in the initial step's command.

[0.2.1] - 2022-08-31


  • Checking for an invalid result "skip" instead of "skipped" when identifying nodes that need to be reran.

[0.2.0] - 2022-08-30


  • The ability to restart a job from failure. The trigger_job method now accepts an argument restart_from_failure (default False) that will determine whether or not the last run attempt for a job was unsuccessful - in the event it was, it will parse the steps within that job and find the nodes that it needs to rerun as well as any steps that were skipped entirely.
  • Additional commands to the trigger_job method:
    • should_poll - Indicate whether or not the method should poll for completion (default True)
    • poll_interval - How long in between polling requests (default 10 seconds)
    • restart_from_failure - Described above
    • trigger_on_failure_only - Only relevant when setting restart_from_failure to True. This has the effect, when set to True, of only triggering the job when the prior invocation was not successful. Otherwise, the function will exit prior to triggering the job (default False)
  • Logging to stderr when using the trigger_job method (internally using the rich package that comes when installing Typer)
  • Multiple tests for the restart_from_failure functionality


  • The trigger_job_and_poll method within the cloud property of the dbtCloudClient class. The polling functionality is now rolled up into the single trigger_job method with the argument should_poll (default is True)

[0.1.4] - 2022-07-11


  • get_model_by_environment to the metadata property
  • meta field is now available when you query columns

[0.1.3] - 2022-07-08


  • The metadata methods are now available via the CLI
  • A status arg can now be used in the list_runs method on the cloud property

[0.1.2] - 2022-06-30


  • The _dbt_cloud_request private method, which is used in the CLI, now only uses typer.echo to return data from a request.


  • The trigger_job_and_poll method now returns the Run, represented as a dict. It will no longer raise an exception if the result of the run is cancelled or error.

[0.1.1] - 2022-05-16


  • The cloud property on the dbtCloudClient class now contains v3 endpoints

[0.1.0] - 2022-05-13


  • dbtCloudClient class is the main interface to the dbt Cloud APIs. The cloud property contains methods that allow for programmatic access to different resources within dbt Cloud (e.g. dbtCloudClient().cloud.list_accounts()). The metadata property contains methods that allow for retrieval of metadata related to a dbt Cloud job run (e.g. dbtCloudClient().metadata.get_models(job_id, run_id)).
  • dbtc is a command line interface to the methods on the dbtCloudClient class (e.g. dbtc list-accounts)